
Episode 11 – What do you need to be your best?

The strong savvy cyclist & triathlete podcast

In this Episode:

  • Introduction
  • Menachem’s Story
  • Injury
  • The 80% Rule
  • What Do You Need To Be Your Best?
  • Conclusion



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Show Notes:



  • 5 episodes since we last spoke:
    • Tony Gentilcore pt. 1&2
    • Dr. Stuart McGill pt. 1&2
    • Dean Somerset
  • Menachem tore his meniscus 🙁
  • We’re going to tie in the lessons we’ve learned in these last 5 episodes with injury, rehab, and sports psychology
  • Tell me about a time that was very challenging, and what you did to get over, around, or through that obstacle.
    • This is really important to get to know your athlete and their motivations
    • Learn from your mistakes
  • One of Menachem’s secrets to success is having read many John Wooden books as a young basketball coach
  • Don’t forget the human element!
  • “Injuries happen” – Menachem
    • It definitely is hard to process an injury
  • “You can do everything right and there is always going to be an unknown” – Menachem
    • The same goes for training


9:55 –

Menachem’s Story

  • “There’s a lot of things that I’ve gone through that I want to share with you” – Menachem
    • Uncertainty
  • We become very goal-oriented, which is one of the great things about endurance sports
  • You also need to think about who can I become and what do I need to become successful, which is what injury rehab is about
  • In Dr. McGill pt. 2 we spoke about the change in mechanics that happens to the joints when there is a type of damage
    • The stress will migrate from one tissue to the next and as that happens the mechanisms that affect that specific joint will change – and those changes aren’t necessarily good
  • “We need to figure out how to keep the muscles moving – and how to keep them protecting the joint – remember, the number one job of a muscle is to protect a joint, number two is to stabilize a joint while an adjacent joint moves, and number three is to move the joint” – Menachem
  • When we stop using a muscle there will be a loss of muscle strength, then a loss of muscle mass
  • Mobilization is not always going to be the answer
  • It depends!
    • The answer always depends on the athlete and the time
      • Rest, energy levels, hydration, nutrition, etc.


16:07 –


  • If you’re a friend of an athlete going through an injury… 
    • Visit, call, text, or send them something that they can read
    • “It’s very hard to go through an injury when it’s not catastrophic” – Menachem
    • Even as a coach, send a card!
      • That connection is very important for coaches and athletes
        • You need to help them recover both physically and mentally
        • “When we are mentally positive – the recovery process is easier” – Menachem
  • Get a number of opinions
    • “It’s okay to go get a second opinion. It is your body – you only get one” – Menachem
  • “When it comes to our injuries, we have to earn the capacity in the body to recover” – Menachem
  • The tissues need time to rebuild – specifically the white tissues because there is less blood flow so it takes longer to repair
  • “Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should” – Menachem
  • “The body needs to rest to recover” – Menachem
  • Encourage athletes to read
  • “You are your number one advocate, and as a coach you are the athlete’s number one non-self advocate” – Menachem
  • Changes in mechanics are bound to happen due to your injury
  • Understand it’s a process to recover
  • “Stay small – we want graded exposure – and it’s small victories” – Menachem
    • You have to do little by little
  • “Our goal is to build pain-free capacity allowing you to do what you need to do to be best for your sport – that’s what we’re after” – Menachem


27:47 –

The 80% Rule

  • 5 – 7s
  • There’s all different approaches to training for each athlete – it depends!
  • It’s important to pay attention to intensity and load


31:45 –

What Do You Need To Be Your Best?

  • Cyclists don’t really know what they need
  • “A lot of it’s the coaches eye” – Menachem
    • It might not be scientific, but it’s something you pick up over time
  • Depends on recovery time from injury, level of competition, etc.
  • “I have to learn how to coach somebody to be a better cyclist off of the bike” – Menachem
  • “Strength training done properly will help” – Menachem
  • It depends!
  • It’s very important for coaches to Invest in their technologies


42:18 –


  • Coaches – send gifts to your injured athletes to help them feel special
  • Nothing is more important than human connection
    • “Money can be made and lost – experiences cannot – either you have the experience or you don’t” – Menachem
  • Be responsible and learn/listen to your body
  • Coming up: Kameel Abdurrahman – Bike Fitting


Picture of Menachem Brodie

Menachem Brodie

Coaching since 2000, Menachem Brodie has been working with athletes in a number of settings, and a broad variety of sports.


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