Don't make this huge mistake that can derail your long term development & performances
Over my nearly 2.5 decades of training and racing, I’ve definitely bitten off more than my body could process and adapt in a single training block. That led to forced days off later on, and (of course) loss of fitness and poor performances on the way to my prime-time of the year.
However, while this is a common mistake that many make, it’s not THE biggest.
Personally, and professionally, I see these kinds of training plan mistakes as a part of the learning and growing process.
But not taking the time or allowing oneself to celebrate the little and big victories along the way, is a sure-fire way to burn-out city. . . And the biggest mistake many endurance athletes make in their training and racing.
All Work and No Play Make Jack a Dull Boy
It’s been my observation- both with myself and a number of the athletes I’ve coached over the years- that the (appropriate) celebrations and recognitions of milestones we hit along the way, are often glazed over, or simply skipped altogether.
Perhaps due to todays fast-paced world of training and racing, or due to the many times in a day that we can compare ourselves to others, our accomplishments along the path to a main objective are not given the celebration and recognition they deserve.
This can lead to mental burnout, and failure to recognize the progress one has made along the way and especially in other areas- both fitness and life related.
Take, for example, the classic movie Rudy.
Despite having nearly next to no chance at playing college football, he manages to will his way into a junior college education, a job, and even free housing.
But he doesn’t see that.
All he sees is his ultimate goal: to play a single snap of football for Notre Dame in a game.
It's Not What You Get, It's Who You Are Becoming That is Most Valuable
Celebrate the small wins.
Take pause, not leave.
This isn’t a break from the work.
It’s a few hours or a weekend to recognize the progress you’ve made, and the milestones you’ve hit.